Over the past 3 years we have seen huge increases in registrations of children wanting to attend Howden Pre-School. We will start September 2023 with 265% more children than 2016 (when Kate and Carrie began working together). Our waiting list is growing by the day and we even have unborn babies registering with us. Pre-School was extended in 2021 which increased our capacity by 50% from 20 to 30 but sadly, this year we haven’t been able to offer a place to every child wanting one and with Howden growing so rapidly we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to find a way to support more of our local children.
We are very excited to announce we are in the process of securing a lease for the ground floor of Bishops Manor.
Depending on Ofsted timeframes we hope that from January 2024 the Sparrows (3-4 year old children) will move to the Bishops Manor. There will be three main spaces, a small quiet/sensory area, a cloak room housing toilets and a large garden. We will of course show you all around once we have furnished and set it up. The children will be carefully supported in their transition to Bishops Manor when the time comes.
Our out of school provision will also move to Bishops Manor in January. The children will have their own space, where they can relax and unwind after a busy day at school. Please visit our new Facebook page for more details - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142197605
The Robins (2-3 year old children) remain in the current Church Hall site however they will move into the larger room currently used by the Sparrows and transition to Bishops Manor the term after their third birthday.
We plan to open a baby room from January 2024 in the current Robins room and will cater for babies 9 months +. Places in the room will be limited to 5 per session so please book early to avoid disapointment.
Considering the government’s plans to increase their funded childcare offer to working parents of children from 9 months, we feel this is the right time and our community needs our help.
Get in touch if you would like further information.
Chilcdren's Cloakroom
Out of School Club Room which will also be used for group times during the day for the pre-schoolers
This is the largest of the play rooms
What a beautiful role play space - complete with a traditional historic kitchen
Copyright ©2024 Howden Pre-School. Website by JibbaJabba
Howden Pre-School is a UK registered charity no: 1037304. Ofsted No: 314652.